Directions to the Russert home in Wenatchee

Coming from the West, after you pass through Cashmere on Hwy 2, you will see a sign, "Wenatchee 9 mi".  Get in the left lane, then you will come to the metropolis of Monitor, WA and its' one traffic light about 2 miles later. Turn left at the light, onto Easy St.  Stay on Easy St. for a couple of miles, then turn left on American Fruit Rd.   The first stop sign you come to on American Fruit Rd. is Crestview.  Turn left, then turn left immediately again onto Ridge Crest Dr.  Ridge Crest curves right and uphill - we are the last house on the right. Park along the street or come right up the driveway - there is room to turn around up there.

Coming from East Wenatchee or farther East, go towards Hwy 2 Westbound, then turn right on Easy St. and go to Crestview (next right after School St.).  Go up Crestview to the stop at American Fruit Rd.  Proceed straight across American Fruit Rd and immediately turn left on Ridge Crest Dr. then follow it to the end, where we are the last house on the right.